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Phil Aemisegger
Alan Akers
Christopher Allan
Donna Allen (Fredine)
Robert Allen
Ronald Almas
Thomas Anderson
Terry Armstrong
Donald Audet
Dennis Austin
Donald Baldwin
Shirley Balme (Batchelder)
Sharon Barrett
Susan Barrett (Wilson)
Margaret Beaupre (Sellars)
Stephen Becker
Donald Beens
Betty Beerbower (Kissinger)
William Belfry
Beatrice Lynn Bentley (Briggs)
Beulah Berney (Michael)
Donald Bishop
Glenna Blake
Robin Blanton (Spyker)
Midge Blanzy (McClellan)
Trudy Bone (Zahn)
Carlene Book (Soroka)
Earl Bordine
Wesley Borton
Gwendoln Bowman (Conner)
Michele Brandow (Preuss)
Donna Kay Brandt
Marcia Braun (Sugg)
Timothy Brundage
Kenneth Brusseau
Patricia Burrick (Minard)
Richard Bush
Patricia Caldwell (Marchione)
Janet Capps
Jess Carlson
Virginia Christensen (Rogers)
Gerald Clark
Barbara Cleghorn (Van Steenis)
Roger Cotton
John Cracium
Lynn Crandall (Craig)
Linda Curnutte
Joanne Curran
Fred Damoth
James (Eddie) Dando
Patricia Daniels
Mary Ellen Davis (Constantine)
Donald Deaton
Virgil Dempsey
William DeSenglau
James Dillard
David Dionne
Stewart Dorsey
Elda (Caroline) Dougherty (Lickert)
Mary Drogosh (Wilson)
Claudia Dugas
Frank Dutto
George Eberle
James Ebersole
Dianne Eby (Robinson)
Beth Ensley (Cooley)
Gary Erfourth
Patricia Erfourth (Baldes)
Alverna Evo (Kendorski)
Arnold (Lee) Featherston
Ann Felton (Huffman)
Sandra Ferris (Cloutier)
Robert Fiebelkorn
Sharon Fitsch (Wulf-Fleming)
Edward Fliss
Gerald Fosdick
Robert Foster
Lynne Frailing (Ludwig)
Arnolda Frank
Joseph Franks
Sandra Freeman (Rowan)
Nancy Fruchey (Geib)
Denny Fultz
Winnifred Garner (Udell)
Francine Garwood
Arnulf Gievers
Lana Glass (Jerome)
Joe Goachee
Judith Goble (Brown)
Gary Goldsworthy
Shirley Goodison (Matthew)
Kenneth Gorsline
Donald Gould
Robert Gould
Ivan (Fred) Grabhorn
Donald Grace
Armand Granata
Anthony Grech III
Ruth Ann Griffin (Bishop)
Judith Grinde (Bitterle)
Catherine Grogan (Balten)
Beverly Guthrie (Lane)
Leslie Haacke
Philip Hall
Donna Halley (Miller)
Paul Hamill
Herman Harrington
Nancy Hathaway (Lee)
James Henry
Jane Hetenyi (Milligan)
Thomas Hill
Joan Hillock (Kreger)
Frank Hissong
Wallace Hodges
Cynthia Holsapple (Bobek)
Phyllis Holtz (Mulholland)
Jack Horner
Kenneth Hummel
William Hutchins
Michael Jarvis
Betty Jentzen (Ruperd)
Harold Jentzen
Douglas Johnson
Rebecca Jones (Strong)
Wesley Kage
Pat Kelly (Kelly)
John Kemler
Carlene Kern (Heiser)
Ken Kestel
Marjorie Kitchen (Trzcinski)
Nancy Kitzmiller (Cochran)
Raymond Kizer
Graham Klintworth
William Knowlton
Sharon Kohl (Savage)
William Korompay
Joseph Kowaleski
Pamela Kreutziger (Bobinac)
Thomas Kruger Jr
Robert La Londe
Philip LaFave
Floyd Lampinen
Sharon Langworthy (Lecureux)
Loren Lebow
Robert Leinenger
Susan Letts (Bay)
William Lintz
Judith Loncar (Popyk)
George (Pete) Long
James Lovelace
Willis Lovelace
Norma Lownds (Deneen)
Edward Lund
Gary Lynch
David Mair
Judith Mallory
Arthur Marcum
Diane Mardlin (Smith)
Margaret Marsee
Charles Maybee
Sandra Maybee (McKinstry)
Catherine McCotter (Pouls)
David McDonald
David (Kemler) McKenzie
William McLaughlin
Jane McNamara (Scholz)
Carol McSpadin (Vanderploeg)
Eldon Melosh
James Melstrom
Karen Mills (Smith)
Merelise Minard (Huntley)
John Mollica
Margaret Morgan
Susan Morgan (Scirica)
James Morley
Karen Morris
John Murphy
Gerald (Joe) Myers
James Nedrow
Robert Nestell
Claudia Neumann (Myers)
Mary Jo Nieman (Dinha)
Patricia Noble (Brazelton)
Marilyn Noeker
Joan Norton
Holly (Mary) O'Bryan
John Ojala
Gerald Olsen
Robert Ott
Clayton Ovesen
Charlotte Ozbun (Mascho)
Clarence Painter
Carol Parisi
James Patterson
David Pearce Jr
Pamela Peppler
Nancy Petaja
Sharon Pickering (Black)
Anthony Pittman
Pamela Platner (Hesse)
William Pollock
Roderick Polzin
Thomas Pratt
David Price
Ned Ralph
Ned Ralph⁹ (Ralph)
Russell Randall
Gary Rathka
Thomas Ray
William Reeser
Roy Reschke
Rodney Richmond
Judy Robbins (Hasler)
Richard Robbins
Wendy Roberts (Anderson)
Stanley Robertson
Christina Roose
John Rose
Steven Rosebrook
Camille Rosenquist (Geck)
Raymond Ross
Ellen Rowlson (Rowlson-Hall)
Kathleen Rudoplh (Schaltz)
Gary Salk
Tom Schaidt
James Schatz
Diane Schell (Perna)
Nancy Schuneman
Dianna Schwenke (Ylinen)
James Scott
Sharyn Scott (Sample)
William Sevon
Robert Shelton
Tom Sheppard
Bonnie Sherman
Betty Siegler (De Vos)
Jerry Siewert
Carmen Slavens (Ray)
Douglas Sloan
Albert (Joe) Smith
Estelle Smith
Linda Smith (Terry)
Roger Smith
Thomas Smith
Jacqueline Soule (Aldenderfer)
John Soule
Michael Spangler
Darrel Spence
Jean Spezia (Piefer)
Laverna Spilak (Skibowski)
Maurice Spring II
Virginia (Jennifer) Stanley
Charles Sterns
Diane Stewart (Race)
Sharon Stienbaugh (Greenlees)
Ronald Stier
Timothy Stoughton
Gail Stover (Whitmore)
Lee Stratton
Sandra Sumner (Sundberg)
Susan Sutton (Howe)
Susan Swank (Davis)
Frances (Mary) Swoboda (McBee)
James Swords
Joyce Sylvain (Burpee)
Georgiana Szafranic (White)
Victor Tatarcuk
Jeffrey Theobald
Sharon Thiele (Stone)
John Thom
Harry Tiffany III
Robert Titus
Kenneth Topper
Kenneth Toth
Sharon Toussaint (Parker)
Judy Townsend (Palmgren)
Pat Treadway (Pearson)
Joy Trumble (Freeman)
Richard Tyrell
Elaine Upton (Watson)
Cathryn Van Buren (Harrison)
Sharon Van Horn (Smith)
Thomas Varner
Rosemary Vigus
Marilyn Virostek (Smith)
Nancy Visner
James Wagner
Leigh Ann Wagner (Rose)
Clayland Waite
Cora Wall (Cooper)
Larry Wallace
Wendy Walsh (Sanislow)
Donald Ward
Linda Ward (Meissner)
Mary Warnes (La Forest)
Robert Warnes
Robert Weaver
Virginia Webb
Mary Werth
Margaret Wiggins (Marshak)
Monte Williams
Rita Wingett (Fisher)
Vicky Wood
Robert (Dave) Wright
Ronald Wurm
David Young
Jack Zahn
Margaret Zimmerman (Montross)
Guest Members
Kay (Johnson)
Marv Miller
Dan Bird (Class Of 61)
Karen Bush (Class Of 58)
Sandra Holman (Meehan--Class Of…)
Ron Kevern
Roger Knapp (Class Of 58)
Dennis Kostecki (Class Of 1963)
Josh Wrinkle
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