Rochester High School
Class Of 1962
60th Registration Form
RHS Class of 1962 60th REUNION
August 17, 2022
Rochester Hills Banquet Center
1919 Starr Batt Dr., Rochester Hills, Mi. 48309
Crooks Rd. and First Traffic Signal North of M59 (turn right)
Reunion time: Reunion 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Cocktails 4:00 to 5:00, Dinner 5:00
WOW Free Open Bar
RETURN BY June 15, 2022
Classmate’s name: _______________ ___ ____________________
First Name M. Last Name Married Name
Nick name to use on Badge _________________
Guest First Name _________________
Address: Street ______________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State ________ Zip code __________
Telephone _____- ______- _________
Email address: __________________________________
Number Attending the Reunion ____ Amount Enclosed ($35.00 each) $_________________
Donation to Web Site $___________ Total Enclosed $_______________
Make Check payable to Mary Jo Dinha
Mail to: Mary Jo Dinha, P.O. Box 81324, Rochester, MI 48308
Check if you are interested in:
Pre-Woodward Dream Cruise ____ (No cost) on Thursday (8/18/22) at 4:00 PM.
Sponsored by Mary Jo (Nieman) Dinha and Husband Tarik.
Dave Price will be cooking hot dogs again this year.
Golf ____ (pay at course) Wednesday (8/17/22) in Morning.
Contact Les Haacke 248-651-6796.